When it comes to keeping in shape and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, most of us immediately go on a diet to drop pounds and to hopefully, look and feel better. The only problem with that is in the details; many so-called diets promote silly methods and ingredients. If people would get back to basics and choose wisely, they would see the huge benefits of essential oils and how they can create a healthier you.

Making Oils “Essential”

Think of an essential oil as the concentrated essence of a plant or botanical. There are a purity, aroma and complexity to the making of a variety of essential oils available today. These precious botanical extracts are removed from plants by steam distillation. When it involves citrus oils, mechanical expression is the method used.

Essential oils are often diffused into the air, applied to the body, inhaled as vapors or poured into a bath. Essential oils are also incredible in several ways when added to the diet.

Weight Management Naturally

Something as simple as two or three drops of grapefruit essential oil in a glass of water can stimulate your metabolism to start burning fat. Dr. Josh Ax reports in U.S. News & World Report that this essential oil is unique in how it can regulate the body’s system in weight management and reducing appetite in a healthy manner.

Proper Digestion/Absorption

Essential oils can be gathered from around the world to offer amazing value for the consumer. Companies like doTERRA oils have established a standard of quality that ensures these beneficial oils work with the body.

When ginger essential oil is added to tea, it provides excellent digestion and absorption of nutrients. It calms the body with beneficial properties and reduces occasional nausea.

All Systems Go Go Go

Most diet plans result in constant sluggishness, but the right essential oils can fire up the cylinders. Peppermint oil is superb for boosting energy, especially when you’re looking for the oomph to exercise and maintain a healthy shape.

Just a couple of drops in a glass of water can make a difference. Peppermint essential oil will ward off hunger pangs, increase your focus and energize the muscles.

Adding essential oils to your diet is a simple, safe, and intelligent way to approach a healthy body inside and out. If you are not sure where to start, doTERRA oils is a trusted brand with an exceptional background that understands working with these multi-faceted, naturally-occurring compounds.